Beauty Treatments Available Today
If you’re looking for professional beauty treatments in Birmingham and surrounding areas, then don’t hesitate to contact us at The Laser Clique.
Tattoo Removal
While tattoos are a remarkable way of marking your skin, it can be incredibly common for people to feel regretful over the tattoo that they may have received many years ago. If you’re eager to remove a piece of an ink from your body, then don’t hesitate to contact us at The Laser Clique, where we’ll use our specialist equipment to remove the tattoo safely and thoroughly from your body. The removal process involves minimal damage to surrounding skin, which can help avoid any undesirable side effects involved with common methods of tattoo remove. One of the biggest benefits of using our tattoo removal services is that it involves no scarring and only requires a minimal amount of recovery, whereby you’ll have to protect your skin from UV radiation for only a few days.
Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is a safe and effective method of removing hair from your body. The treatment works by using lasers to heat up and destroy the melanin in your hair follicles, all without damaging the surrounding cells. Besides the removal of hair from your skin, there are several other great benefits for having laser hair removal. One of which is that it can help stop the growth of ingrown hairs, which is a common issue that can occur with hair removal in general. If ingrown hairs are becoming a serious issue for you when you wax or shave, then laser hair removal will be exactly the service for you.
Additional Treatments:
Acne Treatment
Male Grooming
Cellulite Treatment
Rosacea Treatment
Scar removal
Skincare services